Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Go For Brokers


Continuiamo dal post precedente con "Managing Yourself - How to Build your Network": come valutare il proprio network attuale e come migliorare la propria connessione? La risposta è... go for brokers!

An "Information Broker" is a person who occupies a key role in a social network by connecting disparate groups of people, targeting other well-connected people in a way that news spread widely and quickly.

Social networks are typically separate clusters - friends of friends are also friends with one another and they share similarities creating an "Echo Chamber". Brokers can connect the pools by linking independent clusters together - giving every member of each cluster better access to other parts of the network.

If you've introduced yourself to your contacts more than 65% of the times then you are probably building your network using the "Self-Similarity Principle and your network may be too inbread.

The best way to break through this barrier is by using the "Shared Activities Principle". Any executinve can benefit from a variety of shared activities: sport teams, community services, voluntary associations, cross-functional teams, ... And remember that activities that evoke passion in participants, necessitate interdipendence and have something at stake are more likely to produce networks.

... e in questo modo torniamo a collegarci al post "Play to Win": giocare fa bene!
E ora andiamo a cercare i brokers anche per questo blog: invitate tutti coloro che pensate possano portare un apporto di idee, di partecipazione e di diversificazione alle nostre discussione, mandate loro una mail con il link a questo post e chiedete loro di fare lo stesso. In questo modo avremo punti di vista non solo più numerosi ma soprattutto più vari ad arricchire il blog.


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