Monday, January 30, 2006

Knowledge Management


Durante un recente viaggio mi è capitato di leggere un articolo di Andrew Baxter riguardante il Knowledge Management apparso sul Financial Times (Scandinavian Airlines non ha la Gazzetta...). Alcuni spunti, una volta estratti dal contesto dell’intero articolo, riprendono ed approfondiscono il tema del primo post “If you want to lead, blog”, in particolare quello della circolazione delle competenze manageriali...

Performance in highly competitive markets requires managers armed with knowledge that goes beyond the explicit information contained in manuals, there is an increasing need to tap into experience, intuition and social networks. The value of this knowledge is largely hidden: if the average company managed its money in the way it managed its knowledge it wouldn’t be in business anymore.

Una leggera divagazione ci aiuta a capire ancora meglio l’importanza della condivisione delle conoscenze.

The biggest challenge for companies with a long story of downsizing, job cuts and corporate upheaval or for organizations that have grown by acquisition and that are in many cases nothing more than a federation of loosely coupled units is to foster to share knowledge.
The prevalence of what is euphemistically called “knowledge recovery”, meaning bringing back people whose knowledge has been lost as contractors or consultants can be a proof: 60% of organizations are doing this.
On the other side succession planning, traditionally limited to top managers, needs to be pushed further down the organization and a “friendly leaver” policy ensuring that successors are fully briefed should be encouraged.

Nel finale – che qui sotto ho leggermente rielaborato facendone una specie di dichiarazione d’intenti – l’articolo diventa particolarmente interessante ed arriva quasi a suggerire le caratteristiche salienti degli “Information Brokers” che portano valore ad un network:

In this blog we recognize the need to capture and retain the knowledge and the expertise of key people that is never written down. For us key people are people with: 1. Domain Knowledge; 2. Relationship Knowledge; 3. Intellectual Properties in their heads.

Non posso che spingervi ad allargare selettivamente il network invitando chi ritenete possa portare valore: basta una mail con l’indirizzo del blog e due righe personali di invito…


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