Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Strenght of Weak Ties


Anche questo post tratta del tema del networking e dei brokers, si tratta idealmente della terza parte di un trittico che comprende "Mrs Lois Weisberg &" e "Six Degrees Of Separation" e che vorrebbe un po' tirare le conclusioni spiegandone l'utilità spicciola, in questo senso il titolo del libro da cui citiamo "Getting a Job" (di Mark Granovetter) è eloquente...

Granovetter interviewed hundreds professionals about their employment history. 56% had found their jobs through a personal connection, 20% had used formal means (advertisements, headhunters), and another 20% had applied directly. This much is not surprising: the best way to get in the door is through a personal contact.

But the majority of those personal connections did not involve close friends. They were what he called "weak ties": people were getting their jobs through acquaintances. When it comes to finding out about new jobs - gaining new information, looking for new ideas - weak ties tend to be more important than strong ties.

I nostri amici o colleghi dopo tutto frequentano gli stessi nostri ambienti, conoscono più o meno le stesse persone che conosciamo noi. L'amico di un vostro amico di solito conosce i vostri amici: provate a vedere i network dei vostri link su Asmallworld, Linkedin, AUPAT e scoprirete che la maggior parte dei loro amici sono già linkati con voi...
Quindi, se i nostri amici più stretti frequentano i nostri stessi giri come potrebbero conoscere informazioni che noi non conosciamo già?

To capture this apparent paradox, Granovetter coined a marvellous phrase: "the strength of weak ties": the most important people in your life might be the people who aren't closest to you.

Granovetter then looked at what he called "chain lengths": the number of people who had to pass along the news before it got to you. The people who got their jobs from a zero chain were the most satisfied, made the most money, and were unemployed for the shortest amount of time between jobs. People with a chain of one stood second and so on.

The old-boy network is always going to be just for the old boys. By contrast, what matters in getting ahead is not the quality of your relationships but the quantity - not how close you are to those you know but, paradoxically, how many people you know whom you aren't particularly close to.

Minority-admissions programs work not because they give black students access to the same superior educational resources as white students, they work by giving black students access to the same white students as white students shortening the chain lengths between them and the best jobs. Poverty is not deprivation. It is isolation.

Penso quindi, alla fine della terza parte di questo trittico, di essere riuscito a convincervi ad invitare al Blog il maggior numero di persone che potete... non vi resta che preparare una mail con l'indirizzo di questo blog (, metterci due righe di vostro pugno e spedirla a tutti i vostri amici... pardon, conoscenti!


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